
Hello Chuck Hall,

I am your first row, go ahead, edit me and make me cool...


Here's my WIP on the example: 

  • Corporation needed help to digitize records 
  • Identified chain of command blindspot 
  • Record keeping problem became clear and created problems for
  • Created system for intake of sensitive records for international employees 
  • Designed and worked in cloud based tracking system 
  • Worked with multiple divisions within company to communicate to individual employees thousands of 
  • Communicated dashboard to senior leadership daily until project completion 

Problem 🛑

Corporation needs to alert thousands of employees, get employees to send in paperwork, and store sensitive documents and get it done quickly.  


Solution ✅

Pull existing records and identify outstanding entries.  Design employee outreach communication system and worked with department heads to disperse employee requests.  Manage team storage of documents and initiated long term digital storage for project completion on time and under budget.